Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Asking and Giving Opinions – Agreeing and Disagreeing

Asking and Giving Opinions – Agreeing and Disagreeing

Asking for and expressing opinions is something we frequently do in everyday. We will need to ask and give opinions in formal situations such as in business, in writing, both academic and informal texts, and in informal speaking.

A: so, do you think that Banjarmasin is a great place to live?
B: I belive that, yes. Food and clothes are very cheap and it’s easy to travel around the city.
A: what do you think about the idea that there are too many people living in Banjarmasin?
B: I don’t think so. There are a lot of people but the city is always busy and exciting.

Giving Opinions:
As as I’m concerned …
In my opinion … or in my view …
From my point of view …
The way I see, it is (that) …
To my mind …
Well, I reckon/suppose (that) …
I (strongly) believe (that) …
I (honestly) think (that) …
I (really) feel (that) …
Personally speaking, I believe …
As for me, I reckon …
In my opinion/in my humble opinion
I reckon/suppose
I know
May I?
If you ask me
If I were you
To be honest
I could be wrong, but
I’m no expert, but

Asking Opinions:
What do you think/reckon?
Do you see what I’m getting at?
Do you know/see what I mean?
Do you agree with me?
Would you go along with that?
Would you agree with me that …?
What are your thoughts on that?
Don’t you think (that) …?

I (totally) agree with you / that.
I couldn’t agree more.
I’d go along with that.
I feel the same.
You’re absolutely right.
No doubt about it.
That’s a good point. / I see your point.
I see where you’re coming from.

I’m afraid I disagree.
I don’t agree with you/that.
I’d be inclined to disagree.
That’s not the way I see it.
I don’t think so. / I don’t feel the same.

Partly Agreeing:
I see your point but …
I kind of agree with you/that.
I agree with you to an extent, however, …
You make a good point, but …


Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Making and Responding to Suggestions

Making and Responding to Suggestions

I’d love to have dinner on Friday but I’m not sure where.
How about we go to Chez Philip?
Great idea! I haven’t been there in over a year.

How about…?(British English) Or What about…?(American English)
When you are ask a question using how about, you are asking someone if they agree with what you are suggesting.

1st structure: how about + subject + simple verb form
How about we go to Chez Philip?

2nd structure: how about + gerund
(Gerunds is the –ing form of verb that functions the same as a noun. For example, “Running is fun.” In this sentence, “running” is the gerund. It acts just like a noun.)

How about we going to Chez Philip?
How about starting a group for English learners?

Why don’t...?
The difference here is that we ask the question using the negative don’t.
Structure: why don’t + s + simple verb
Why don’t we go to Chez Philip?

Why not...?
It is usually used to make more general suggestions. Advertisers often use why not for selling products or services.
Structure: why not + simple verb
Why not treat yourself to a Carribean holiday?

It more formal and is more common British English.
Structure: shall + s(only I and we) + simple verb
Shall we go to Chez Philip?

It is used to tell someone what you want to do with them.
Let’s + simple verb
Let’s go to Chez Philip!

That’s a good/great idea!
That sounds good/great.
Thanks! I’d love to.

I’d prefer…
That’s a good idea but…
I’m not sure.
I’m not sure. Chez Philip is mot my favourite. How about Fearless Farmers?


Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

Pengaruh Pendidikan Terhadap Kualitas Anak Pedalaman

Pengaruh Pendidikan Terhadap Kualitas Anak Pedalaman

The Influence Quality Education to Remote Area Children

Bukan rahasia lagi bila anak-anak yang tinggal di daerah pedalaman sangat sulit mendapatkan kehidupan yang layak seperti anak-anak pada umumnya. Mereka kesulitan mendapat air bersih, mengenyam pendidikan sesuai batas kelayakan pendidikan Indonesia dan sulit mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Tak hanya itu saja, mereka bahkan tidak mengenal alat komunikasi seperti telepon genggam.

It is not a secret if the children who live in remote area are very hard to get a better life as same as the children in generally. They are hard to get clean water, they are difficult to get education depend on standard Indonesian and to follow the development era. Not only that, even they do not know about a communication tool such as handphone.

Hal pokok yang menjadi sorotan utama yaitu betapa sulitnya mereka mendapat pendidikan yang layak dan mengenyam pendidikan dua belas tahun. Pada faktanya, tak semua salah mereka, kesulitan mereka menjangkau lokasi sekolah menjadi masalah karena mereka harus mengarungi sungai. Mereka juga harus berjalan kaki hingga berpuluh-puluh kilo meter, bahkan ada pula yang tak memakai alas kaki.

The main problem are how they are very hard to get the proper education for twelve years. In fact, it completely are not their mistakes, the obstacle for them to reach the school location becoming a problem because they have to cross the river. They also need to walk until tens kilometers away, even some of them do not wearing shoes. 

Kurangnya tenaga pengajar di pedalaman karena sulitnya mencari pengajar yang mau mengajar di daerah tersebut juga sangat disayangkan. Padahal kualitas seseorang diukur melalui seberapa jauh pendidikan yang dicapai karena kualitas seorang lulusan SD berbeda dengan kualitas seorang sarjana. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan sangat mempengaruhi kualitas seorang anak pedalaman.

There are only a little of teachers in remote area because it is difficult to find the teacher who want to teach in that area is regrettably. Whereas the quality of a teacher measure by how far the education they get because the quality of graduated elementary school is different with a scholar. Thus, we can conlclude that education have big influence to the quality of a remote area child.

Sumber artikel berbahasa Indonesia:
Alih bahasa: Syafriandi

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

Dampak Buruk Junk Food untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

Dampak Buruk Junk Food untuk Kesehatan Tubuh
Bad Impact Junk Food for Health

Junk food disebut makanan instan atau makanan cepat saji yang kini telah berkembang pesat di persaingan perusahaan makanan di Indonesia. Makanan cepat saji dinilai sebagian orang lebih efektif terhadap waktu dan mudah ditemukan. Tak hanya itu saja, makanan cepat saji juga memiliki cita rasa yang lezat ditambah lagi harganya yang tejangkau.
Junk food called instant food or fast food which now growing faster in the competition of food company in Indonesia. It appraised by some people are more effective about time and easy to find. Not only that, fast food also has delicious taste and reachable price.

Makanan cepat saji sudah lama mengundang kontroversi di Negara kita karena terungkapnya beberapa dampak buruk yang ia miliki. Dampak buruk itu disebabkan oleh kandungan zat-zat berbahaya di dalam makanan instan seperti lilin yang ada pada mie instan. Tak berhenti disitu, nyatanya di dalam makanan cepat saji terkandung bahan pengawet dan penyedap yang kini disebut micin.
Junk food has been controversy in our country because it has some bad impacts. The bad impact caused by dangerous substances in fast food such as in instant noodle which has wax substance. Moreover, in fact the fast food contains preservative and flavor which now called micin-monosodium glumate.

Kamis, 09 Maret 2017



Listen my love
Dengarkan cintaku.

I’ve wait to tell you some with beautiful words
Aku t’lah menanti untuk mengatakan padamu kata – kata yang indah.

Deep from my heart
Dari lubuk hatiku.

Your beautiful smile is thrown always shine
Senyum manismu yang selalu terpancar.